Our hard work paid off! We are happy to report that Revela Foods received a Bronze EcoVadis Medal for sustainability. We ranked in the top 50% for the quality of our sustainability management
According to EcoVadisTo, “Each company is rated on the material issues as they pertain to their company’s size, location and industry.” We were rated on topics such as Environmental, Labor & Human Rights, as well as Ethics and Sustainable Procurement impacts. The overall goal of EcoVadisTo is to “drive global supply chain sustainability.”
Social responsibility is an important part of our culture at Revela Foods. Our Sustainability Team includes employees from many different departments, allowing us to improve all areas of our business. We aim to conduct our business in a way that is environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable.
Here are a few ways we are working to be more sustainable:
Reducing our energy and water consumption
Switching to more sustainable packaging, when possible
Sending food scraps to local farmers for animal feed
Donating unused product to local families
Participating in our local Adopt-a-Highway program
We are committed to continuing to improve our sustainability efforts, and welcome any inquiries or suggestions at sustainabiliy@revelafoods.com